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advent devotionals

Memorize: Psalm 139:14

I will praise You

because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made.

Your works are wonderful,

and I know this very well.


Read: Psalm 139:1-14Psalm 104



Advent calls us to prepare for the arrival of our Savior Jesus Christ, yet often times our preparation is filled with the stress of planning and busyness. We don’t even take a full day to give thanks, as many race off Thanksgiving evening to find the deals. We race into December facing a to-do list of shopping, cooking, wrapping, and that we can enjoy the birth of God's son? 


Let’s think about this – Does our preparation have the wrong focus and the wrong feeling. Psalms 104 & 139 encourages us to pause in the midst of our preparation and consider the question, "Who am I preparing for?" Are we preparing for the arrival of Our Savior, or for the world's expectations of Christmas?


I hope today we choose to prepare for Jesus! When we do, our preparations are less about doing and more about being. We begin to prepare with praise to God for the intimacy that He has with each of us. We wake up each day with less attention on what needs done during Advent and more attention on what's been done through God's power.



How does your thinking & planning change when you reflect on the power of your creator…your All-knowing, Ever-present God, who made you and wants an active, personal relationship with you?



Father God, today I offer my praise for all that you have done, will do, and continue to do in my life. Help me to prepare for the things that matter and ignore the demands of this Adventseason that pull me away from you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

November 27

November 28

November 29

November 30

December 1

December 2

December 3

December 4

December 5

December 6

December 7

December 8

December 9

December 10

December 11

December 12

promise keeper

Read Matthew 1:20-22

20 While Joseph thought about these things, an angel of the Lord came to him in a dream. The angel said, “Joseph, descendant of David, don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife, because the baby in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”

22 All this happened to bring about what the Lord had said through the prophet: 23 “The virgin will be pregnant. She will have a son, and they will name him Immanuel, ”which means “God is with us.” [NCV]



At the end of the 2011 baseball season, in an article titled “Baseball Predictions for 2012”, Sports Illustrated journalist, Joe Sheehan wrote, “We're coming to the end of a fascinating year of baseball, with tremendous comebacks, a surprise World Series winner, one of the great single days in the game's history and the news that we'll have labor peace for years to come. Can 2012 top that? Perhaps. Here are 10 things I think I think about the upcoming year:"


"#10. The Reds will win the World Series."


I’m not a cynical about anything, well almost anything, except MY Cincinnati Reds. When I read this prediction, admittedly, my first thought was, “That’s a prediction that will not come true.”  And, unfortunately, I was right.


No doubt the Jews of Jesus’ day who were living under the oppressive thumb of Rome had to wonder if God would ever make good on His promise to send a Messiah who would forgive sin and restore the glory of Israel. God had long ago promised them a Redeemer, but they hadn’t heard a word from Him in 400 years. But then, at just the right moment, the angel announced to Joseph that Mary would give birth to a Son who would “save His people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21).


Christmas proves that God is a promise-keeping God! He said that He would send a Deliverer, and He did. Your sin is not beyond the reach of this promise. He is ready and waiting to forgive your sins—all of them.



Ask yourself, “Do I believe that Jesus came to save me from my sins?” “What am I holding back from God?” “Do I believe that God can forgive all my sins?”



Dear God, thank you for keeping your promises.  Help me to trust in your promises as I seek to have a deeper relationship with you this Christmas and beyond.




Meeting at:

3310 Croasdaile Drive, Ste. 100

Durham, NC 27705

Church Office:

3310 Croasdaile Drive, Ste. 100

Durham, NC 27705


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