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Everything has a starting point—your life, your relationships, your education, your career.

Sometimes we forget that faith has a starting point as well. For some of us, our faith journeys began in childhood as a set of beliefs handed to us by a parent, teacher, or pastor. Maybe you developed a framework of faith based on personal experience. Or maybe you had no faith at all. Too often, a faith formed in childhood isn’t strong enough to withstand the pressures of adult life.

But what if you could find a new starting point for faith?


Staring Point is an 8-session small group conversation about faith.  Whether you’re new to faith, curious about God, or coming back to church after some time away, it’s a place where your opinions and beliefs are valued, and no question is off limits. Starting May 8th at 6:30PM. Meeting at our church office at 2400 Broad Street, Durham NC 27704. Register on our online connect card Click on Connect Card, scroll down to Starting Point.


Join us Wednesdays through April 24th as we watch season 4 of The Chosen, then discuss what we experienced together. 


We will host a potluck fellowship dinner beginning at 6:00PM. We will begin the session of The Chosen at 6:40PM, followed by a time to process and discuss.


Invite your friends, colleagues, neighbors, and family! 

With this in mind, we should stop going over the elementary truths about Christ and move on to topics for more mature people. We shouldn’t repeat the basics about turning away from the useless things we did and the basics about faith in God.  Hebrews 6:1 (GW)


We are committed to providing opportunities to grow spiritually outside of Sunday morning.

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